Significance Of Testing Method In Software Development Process And Comparison Parallel P Rogramming Process Time With Us In Mpi Library


  • Hüseyin ÇaÄŸrı Çıraklı, EbubekirGüler Fatih Başçiftçi 1Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank Konya AR-GECenter, Konya, Turkey 2Selçuk University Technology Faculty Computer Engineering Departments, Konya, Turkey



Although essential to software quality and abroad arranged by software engineers and testers, software testing residue an art, by reason of circum scribed perceptive of the fundamental of program. Besides, with parallel programming software would be four times faster. Also, complexity of an algorithm represent the whole period necessary by the software to proceed to achievement. For observation these points a computer used which has Intel Corei 72.20 GHz GPU. Software program was run as parallel and time comparison was observed. For this, matrix multiplication was done with three arrays whose sizes are 1000x1000, 1600x1600 and 3200x3200.


