Prevalence of Asthma and Allergic Diseases among Children 13-14 Years in Lubumbashi/Drcongo


  • Léon Kabamba Ngombe
  • Katumbo Mukemo
  • Nathalie Kaj Kayomb
  • Michel Kabamba Nzaji
  • Benjamin Kabyla Ilunga
  • Nyembo Mukena Christophe
  • Oscar Luboya Numbi



Introduction: The prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in children is increasing in the world, and constitutes a public health problem. The first goal of this work is to determine the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases among school children 13-14 years in the city of Lubumbashi, and contribute to develop the mapping of the prevalence of asthma in the world and in RD Congo

Methods: It is a cross-sectional study following the ISAAC study protocol phase I, with a simple random sampling among students aged 13-14 years in 7 schools of the city of Lubumbashi. Of these facts, a written questionnaire of the ISAAC study (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) was administered to students by a single investigator.

Results: This study determined the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases among 3534 students aged 13-14 years in 7 schools in the city of Lubumbashi. The written questionnaire revealed the prevalence of symptoms such as: current wheezing 15.17% (p=0.38), asthma 10.33% (p<0.001), cough 64.64%(p<0.001), Rhino conjunctivitis 11.49% (p<0.001), current allergic rhinitis  21.73%(p<0.001) and 16.41 eczema (p<0.001). For the majority of the questions, the prevalence was significantly higher among female students than the male students.

Conclusion: Our results show that asthma and allergic diseases are public health problems in our environment.


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Author Biographies

Léon Kabamba Ngombe

School of Nursing of Lubumbashi, ISTM Lubumbashi (R.D.Congo), Department of research

Katumbo Mukemo

School of Nursing of Lubumbashi, ISTM Lubumbashi (R.D.Congo), Department of research

Nathalie Kaj Kayomb

General Hospital of reference Sendwe, Service of Dermatology

Michel Kabamba Nzaji

University of Kamina (R.D. Congo), Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Unit of Toxicology

Benjamin Kabyla Ilunga

General Hospital of reference Sendwe, Service of Dermatology

Nyembo Mukena Christophe

School of Nursing of Lubumbashi, ISTM Lubumbashi (R.D.Congo), Department of research

Oscar Luboya Numbi

University of Lubumbashi (R.D. Congo), Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health

&Dr. Léon Kabamba Ngombe, University of Kamina, Faculty of Medicine, Unit of Toxicology.




How to Cite

Ngombe, L. K.; Mukemo, K.; Kayomb, N. K.; Nzaji, M. K.; Ilunga, B. K.; Christophe, N. M.; Numbi, O. L. Prevalence of Asthma and Allergic Diseases Among Children 13-14 Years in Lubumbashi Drcongo. ijnd 2016, 6, 05-09.




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