Formulation of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride loaded biodegradable nanoparticles: Optimization of the formulation variables.


  • Salwa Mohamed Salah Lecturer at faculty of pharmacy, cairo university, Egypt


The aim of this work was to formulate nanoparticles with longer sustainment since it can play an important role in treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. A factorial design 23 was used to optimize the formulation variables of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (CP) loaded biodegradable nanoparticles (NPS). The effect of three independent variables, namely; the polymer type  (Poly D, L-lactide-co-glycolide 50/50& Poly (D, L-lactide), the polymer molecular weight(M.Wt) and the drug to polymer ratio on the particle size, encapsulation efficiency (EE%), zeta potential and the time required for 90% of ciprofloxacin to be released (t90%) was investigated . The selected drug loaded nanoparticles was subjected to further investigations including; Scanning electron microscope (SEM), DSC, x-ray powder diffractometry and FTIR spectroscopy. Moreover the antimicrobial effectiveness of the selected formula was investigated.

 The results revealed that The mean particle size e ranged from 180-355 nm while the EE% ranged from 52-70%.  The selected formula retained its antimicrobial activity throughout the preparation process.




How to Cite

Salah, S. M. (2013). Formulation of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride loaded biodegradable nanoparticles: Optimization of the formulation variables. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Opinion, 3(11). Retrieved from