Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of Cassia Auriculata Linn Seeds for Alloxan Induced Diabetes in Rats


  • Pai Aruna*, Karki Roopa


Background: In traditional medicine Cassia auriculata is widely used in the treatment of various disorders including diabetes.

Aim: The present study was aimed to establish anti diabetic activity of various extracts of Cassia auriculata Linn seeds in alloxan induced diabetes.

Materials and methods: Successive solvent extraction was carried out using petroleum ether (40-600c), chloroform, ethyl acetate and ethanol using soxhlet extractor. Diabetes was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of alloxan monohydrate (150 mg/kg body weight). Fasting blood glucose level, serum lipid profiles, liver glycogen level, pancreatic thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) as well as initial and final changes in body weight were evaluated.

Results :Experimental findings showed significant anti diabetic potential of petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extract in terms of reduction of fasting blood glucose level in diabetic rats(p<0.05). Observed data was found statistically significant in reduction of serum lipid (p<0.05).whilst significant improvement was observed in liver glycogen level and body weight profiles in petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extract-treated diabetic rats (p<0.05). Ethyl acetate extract treated diabetic groups showed significant reduction in pancreatic TBARS levels (p<0.05). The results were comparable with the standard anti diabetic drug tolbutamide (250 mg/kg b.w).

Discussion and conclusion: It was evident from the study that Petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extract treated diabetic groups showed significant anti diabetic activity. Reduction in pancreatic TBARS levels in ethyl acetate extract treated diabetic rats is attributed to the flavoniods.

This investigation paves the way for isolation of lead compounds steroids and flavonoids from extracts.


Keywords: Cassia auriculata, Antidiabetic Activity, Diabetes mellitus





How to Cite

Karki Roopa, P. A. (2014). Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of Cassia Auriculata Linn Seeds for Alloxan Induced Diabetes in Rats. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Opinion, 1(1). Retrieved from http://medicaleditor.uk/index.php/jpro/article/view/643