A validated RP-HPLC method for simultaneous determination of Metformin HCl, Pioglitazone HCl and Glimepiride in pharmaceutical formulation


  • Akhilesh Tiwari O.P.Mahatma, Megha Joshi


In the present scenario, most commonly attacking disease is diabetes. Recent studies indicate that prevalence of type-2 diabetes is rapidly increasing in the society due to life style changes. Type-2 diabetes is a progressive disorder with reduced insulin level, increased blood glucose level with a consistent and steady increase in glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) overtime associated with enhanced risk of micro- and macrovascular complications and a substantial reduction in life expectancy. Pathophysiologic abnormalities associated with type-2 diabetes are: (i) impaired insulin secretion, (ii) excessive hepatic glucose output, and (iii) insulin resistance in skeletal muscles, liver and adipose tissue. These defects have been treated by use of oral insulin secretagogues (sulphonyl ureas/glinides) or insulin, biguanides, and thiazolidinediones, respectively.


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How to Cite

O.P.Mahatma, Megha Joshi, A. T. (2014). A validated RP-HPLC method for simultaneous determination of Metformin HCl, Pioglitazone HCl and Glimepiride in pharmaceutical formulation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Opinion, 3(11). Retrieved from http://medicaleditor.uk/index.php/jpro/article/view/815